The United States Brace for More Protests and Unrest Across the Nation

The United States Brace for More Protests and Unrest Across the Nation

George Floyd Protests Go From Peaceful to Violent 

Cristal M Clark 

After a Friday night that showed pure outrage at police brutality – erupting into rioting and unrest in cities across our country, authorities tried to reestablish order through an increased show of force. The Governors of 6 states, including Minnesota, where George Floyd was murdered in cold blood at the hands of a cop on Monday, called out national guard troops. Many cities including Atlanta, Los Angeles, Louisville, Columbia, Denver, Portland, Milwaukee and Columbus, imposed curfews in anticipation of a violent night ahead on Saturday. 

Here in Denver the vibe was good for most of the day yesterday, the protests were peaceful yet the city felt the same thing many of the rest of us felt, something bad was brewing, the moods were changing into unrest and the fear of violence caused city leaders to ask for the national guard to come and to put the city on a curfew which did little to curb the violence that followed a day of peaceful protests. 

The death of George Floyed is unfathomable, it’s 2020 why are we still falling witness to racism? Why are we still falling witness to the cold blooded murder of yet another black man at the hands of a cop? Let’s not forget however, not all cops are bad cops and good cops do in fact loath bad cops. Denver and all of Colorado has its share of some really good cops who if you ask them do not support police brutality in any form much less racist cops.  

Many are wondering why the violence after a day of peaceful protests, it’s simple really, people are angry, incredibly angry and full of rage. They don’t care about the business they looted or burnt down, many of those businesses are coming out of a 2 month shutdown where they had already lost so much. I do however understand the anger, the sheer hatred behind the acts of violence believe it or not. Everyone is suffering from the fall out of the virus, people are upset, you add that to yet another senseless killing of a black man and it equals disaster. 

This violence is happening across America from coast to coast and from big cities to small ones sadly. And it happened well beyond the major metropolitan areas, protesters clashed with police in cities including Tulsa, Oklahoma; Little Rock, Arkansas; Albany, New York; Fargo, North Dakota; and Raleigh, North Carolina.

Many of the rest of us, well we are sick of the racism too, we are tired of seeing black men die at the hands of a bad cop. I read the police report, it  was absolute bullshit. An excuse filled report of utter and complete bullshit. The charges the prosecutor charged Derek Chauvin with should be released of the privilege of being a prosecutor immediately over the bullshit charge of 3rd degree murder a charge many have never seen or heard of before now. As for the Department of Justice heading up an investigation, no one has an ounce of faith in it’s head either, William Barr. 

I support the protests, not the violence but when you sit back and look at everyone involved in the Judicial process here, it’s easy for me to understand the outrage, the angst, the anger and the violence.


Will justice really be served here? Judging from the charges that were filed against the killer Derek Chauvin, no justice will not truly be served here. Let’s also not forget that Derek Chauvin will no doubt hire an attorney who is going to argue that his client will not get a fair trial. Well, from where I am sitting George Floyd did not get a fair trial either now did he? The actuality here is that Derek Chauvin would really be tried by a jury of his peers here but the prosecutor who filed the charges did everything so as to ensure an avoidance of a trial and will be offering up a sweet plea deal to Derek. Anyone charged with murder or any other crime has a multitude of charges filed at one time the DA uses that leverage so as to plea down into a lessor charge just for the sake of obtaining a guilty plea from the defendant and forgoing an actual trial. It’s a notch in the DA’s belt. It is not, and I repeat NOT, about justice at all. 

I have traveled the country and visited many courtrooms and offices of Judges and prosecutors protecting both the sanctity of our Judicial System and the rights of the innocent and victims. George Floyd appeared to be suffering a medical episode according to the officers own words, why the fuck would Derek have his knee firmly implanted on the throat of a man who appeared to be suffering from a medical condition? I have spent many years reminding those that work within the Judicial System of what their jobs truly are, the Judicial System was never designed to protect the wealthy, bad cops who kill innocent black men, to more severely punish the poor, to utilize the system to jail so many blacks,  while letting whites who are charged with similar offences off lightly, yet the system fails virtually at every turn it can now doesn’t it? 

The proof of that couldn’t be more clear with the charges against Derek Chauvin for the cold blooded murder of George Floyd. 

So yes, while I do not condone the acts of violence these are individuals who already see the outcome and they are angry, they are outraged, they are hurting. They want the world to hear the pain that they are feeling, they want all eyes on our beloved country so the world can finally see the true shitshow of our judicial system and just how it favors whites over blacks, the wealthy over the poor and completely turns a blind eye to the victims, the families of the victims, the system promises to stand up for them, yet it blatantly turns a blind eye to them. The Judicial System here in the United States is not about justice at all, it’s about numbers and the ability to obtain a guilty plea, nothing more or less. These individuals want the world to see the police brutality here in the US, they want to world to watch as our system yet again fails to seek justice and favors whites over blacks, cops that murder over the black life that was lost. 

I implore our President, William Barr and the entire Judicial System to start making changes, stop using the system to obtain a number or guilty plea, stop making a mockery of our Judicial System and start using it the way it was always meant to be used, start with the murder of George Floyd. Have enough pride to stand up and give George Floyd’s family and loved once the Justice they deserve for such a senseless murder. 

Cristal M Clark

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