The City That Voted To Defund Police 

Discovers Why That’s a Bad Idea

Cristal M Clark

I remember seeing all the news and hype surrounding pushes to defund police forces nationwide. I thought it was a bad idea then but still to this day I hear people talk about it as if it would be a good thing. Well over in the city that actually did it, Portland, Oregon, they have learnt that it wasn’t such a great idea because now voters appear to be unhappy with the end results of that decision. 

In 2021 the city decriminalised drugs and stopped prosecuting low level crime, they allowed for what some called vigilantes to roam free…Look, I am as shocked as anyone that it didn’t work out. Just kidding I am not. This was in response to the George Floyd killing that took place in a completely different city and state. 

Since then, homicide is now at record levels in Portland, the crime rate has gone through the roof, drug overdoses from opioids have tripled, reports show at least 30 motorized transports are stolen a day and the homeless population has surged to epic proportions. The city is rife with open-air drug dens, people who live and work in the area fear setting foot outside and the streets and sidewalks are full of trash and litter. 

It actually got so bad that businesses started moving out of the area. I personally used to love to go visit Portland, I wanted to move to Portland up until the cost of living started pacing that of Seattle. In recent years however, I’ve not wanted to set foot in Portland due to the crime, violence and drug use everywhere. 

Voters in Portland are upset and the woman, Jo Ann Hardesty, who fought for defunding the police in Portland, no longer holds her seat on City Council. Not surprising in all honesty, this is what happens when you fail to understand the outcome of the choice you are about to make. It is a lot like a puzzle, can you look at a problem, find a potential solution and see what the outcome of that might be? Do you even have a problem? Basing the call to defund police went nationwide, to places that really did not have an issue with police brutality but when George Floyd happened, the entire country cried police brutality, the overuse of force, the truth was, that simply was not true for most of the nation.

When people cried to defund the police that is all that they saw, they refused to look at the potential problems with doing just that. Sometimes you can have a police department that is problematic, they take things to extremes and who should be defunded but and I say this in the sincerest of ways, that should not be left up to the general public alone in particular when we look at large municipalities or cities. I do not want fellow voters, city council, mayors or governors deciding its a good idea to defund police in my part of town. I want a real and thorough investigation at the Federal level. I want to know the truth, is the problem leadership, a few bad cops, an entire police department who has been hiring racist and angry cops or…is the problem none of the above and just a catchy news headline that turnt the entire thing into a racist police department or police brutality?

The point is, before defunding we need to research and figure out what the issues are. Sometimes it’s a group of bad hires, or just a bad hire, sometimes its an entire police department and sometimes if you really do your homework it is none of those things.   

What Portland did was hand the keys of the kingdom over to bad actors which and this is sad to say, our society today is full of bad actors who have bad intentions. They want for nothing more than to set the place on fire and to cause as much chaos as possible in an effort to destroy the very system that is designed to protect them. 

Cristal M Clark

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