Denver Illegal Immigrants Issue List of Demands

Mayor Mike Johnston Cannot Win for Losing

Cristal M Clark

HouseKeys for Action Denver calls the list “reasonable,” Denverites and others are all thinking “the Audacity!” I spoke with a number of Denverites about this list over the weekend which, our own local media has been keeping quiet for some reason or another. Denverites and Coloradoans are fuming and say enough is enough. One message is clear, residents and legal citizens are tired of the state as well as Denver taking in the immigrants to the tune of over 40K so far and just rolling out the red carpet yet failing to take care of our own issues, such as a lack of an adequate number of police, our homeless, drugs, overall crime which they say is down but if you head to any social media, one could easily argue that it is simply under reported.

This particular group is from a property under a bridge that is owned by Union Pacific and is refusing to leave until the following list of demands are met:

This is so unrealistic and out of line when you are here illegally in the first place and being offered reasonable housing for a limited time, food, medical treatment. Don’t like it, GTFO of the United States or learn to have your own accommodations in place before you travel here illegally.  

Have you ever heard the saying “You cannot let the inmates run the prison?” That is what these individuals are trying to do here and if you are not going to provide more help to resolve our own homeless and crime issues you should not offer one more grain of sand to these ungrateful and entitled illegal immigrants who love to call themselves “Migrants”, but the reality is they are here illegally, and are illegal immigrants who expect us to treat them as if they have been here the whole time and to take care of their every single whim. Get Fucked.

We are not in a place where we can promise employment, the state cannot push the Federal Gov and the Federal Gov is likely not to side with the State considering Americans are growing weary of this illegal immigrant issue. We cannot take care of them, perhaps they should have fled to another country.  

To be completely honest, some are criminals you see it on videos from the Green Valley Ranch area, Cap Hill has some that travel to it just to commit crimes. But let us take a look at where the immigrants are getting the ideas from for such a list? HANDS and HouseKeys for Action, who seem to feel that here in America we have endless bounds of fucking cash we can just toss at any problem and it will be taken care of and anyone who comes here is entitled to the same benefits as someone who was who had been born here and the hard cold truth is, they are not. We have a whole law enforcement field of individuals that we employ to stop illegal immigration to the United States, that our own Governor and Mayor undercut on the state level. Maybe Immigration needs to be policed at the Federal level because states are now starting to get out of hand in terms of allowing immigration to a level that is not sustainable.

These groups are pushing an agenda that makes very little if any sense at all other than entitlement. These illegal immigrants are entitled to two things, they can pick one and live with it. Those are take what you are offered and work your way into the country legally although more than half will not, or they can get the fuck out.

They should be solely responsible for meeting the demands of these ungrateful illegal immigrants who came here for nothing more than a handout. Perhaps Texas and Trump are right about this and we should shut this whole operation of allowing thousands of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the country. Again, it is one of the top concerns on ballet this year so whoever is in office, I would be careful since voters are leaning the opposite direction of folks like Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and Colorado Governor Jared Polis in terms of immigration. Americans are sick and tired of it and we want it to stop until we can get a handle on our own shite and until we have immigration laws that make more sense. IT does not make sense to keep taking illegals in who want handouts and come in without jobs, we have enough of that from our own citizens and it is not sustainable. Yes we were once upon a time the land of opportunity the harsh cold truth is we can no longer be that unless illegal immigrants come here already established with work, permits, housing and medical care. Period and end of story.

As for HANDS and HouseKeys for Action Denver, fund this bullshite yourselves and stop teaching them to demand entitlement, if you cannot fund it yourselves stop expecting tax payers to do it. Where the fuck do you think the money comes from? In the end the tax payers foot the bill and American Tax Payers are growing more and more unwilling to foot this bill.   

Cristal M Clark

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