More Than Half of Voters Would Replace Trump and Biden

America the Land of Dreams 

Cristal M Clark 

We are little less than 6 months away from the next presidential election and American’s are once again split on who they will vote for, yet a new idea is rising from the depths of America. More than half are suggesting they would happily replace Both Former President Donald J Trump and Current US President, Joe Biden. 

That’s right, American’s don’t seem to be happy with our choices for the next leader of the America, land of the free. Some state that they are tired of white old men leading the country who seem to be out of touch with Americans and our needs. 

Younger voters are more likely to want a change than older voters but do not discount Gen X here, we’d like to see a change as well both Congress and the Senate look like a really expensive retirement community with leaders from everywhere that don’t get it. Sure you have some younger folks sprinkled in but even they are so far removed and out of touch that it is not even funny. If you have ever seen them on Television, it looks a lot like an assisted living community made up of the wealthy and incredibly untalented who all have an overwhelming sense of entitlement. 

This leaves the question what will voters do about not liking our choices this go around? Will we write candidates in, not vote or pick like we have been- vote for the best of the worst? That says a lot about how American’s feel, we are faced with voting for the best out of the worst two candidates possible. 

Biden seems old and feeble minded and just old, whilst Trump has a blatant disregard for rules, laws and doing the right thing. He’d no sooner sell us out than actually serve as a true leader. Personally it does not matter if Trump if convicted of anything and American’s know this. May Americans are tired of seeing Trump plastered on the nightly news. What did the FBI say when Biden took office finally? 

Stop fucking talking about Trump and not one media outlet followed direction, they have been shoving him down our throats daily since he left the White House. 

The reality is that voters tire of Trump’s antics, his repeated attacks on anyone he sees as against him, his many lies and his unpredictability. 

Biden in the eyes of many Americans is simply too old to properly lead the country leaving many to fear mental decline, health decline and the inability to lead another 4-years. 

It is not wonder that many Americans would rather replace both presidential candidates, the parties each serve clearly do not listen to the people that they serve. The question is, what will Americans do as the election nears? Vote for the best of the worst or demand something else? Someone who can actually lead, perhaps?

Cristal M Clark

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