Mainstream Media Trying To Weaponise Voters Against Trump…Again

Tesla Cyber Truck

Convicted Felon President

Cristal M Clark 

Multiple media outlets reported over the weekend that Elon Musk posted something on X which let everyone know that he supports Donald Trump. I believe that he said the whole trial was over something trivial. Which is actually completely true of the Hush Money Trial. 

The mainstream media also pointed out multiple musician’s actors and actresses who took to social media to express support for the former President this past weekend after he was found guilty of a felony in the Hush Money trial last week. 

Look, I don’t care about the hush money trial and never did, I care about Trump inciting the violence that we witnessed on January the 6th. Paying for an escort and trying to hide it on the books, ehhh maybe not entirely legal but I don’t really care and no that does not mean that he would make a terrible leader.

Most wealthy and powerful business leaders hide some things a time or two, legal or not it’s hardly worth our time when it comes to hush monies for an escort. As for the headlines about Elon Musk supporting Trump over the weekend, I do not care in any way shape or form nor does it cause me to lose respect for him. Who Elon Musk votes for or supports if his business and yes he can do it publicly and I still do not care. 

Here is the deal, a lot of so called “never Trumpers,” have been bailing ship according to CNN reports. Yes leave it to CNN to help dig Biden’s grave in their ridiculous need to prevent voters from voting for Trump. 

But that is all the media has been doing here right, they want to launch a smear campaign against Trump and entice voters to not vote for a convicted felon, which is sort of funny when you think about it because in some states felons cannot vote so the irony here is not lost on me. 

Trump’s criminal conviction and potential other criminal convictions this go around will not sway voters in the way that the mainstream media thinks that it or they will. 

Biden is old and has not helped the American economy in any way, shape or form, period and end of story. In fact, the cost of living has gotten so far out of control that it has caused American’t to suffer. The bank will tell you that you cannot afford a home loan to purchase a home but that you can pay over $2-$3K for a shitty apartment and never be able to save for a home. 

American’t are forced to choose between paying for housing, and heating and electricity and eating, maybe not eating when we pay for that. 

Immigration is out of control and Biden has failed to do anything about that until today when it was announced that he might have to do something so as to prevent more from seeking asylum here. He could start by deporting a shit ton of those who are already here, not to be rude but the reality is that most would not qualify for asylum as it is. 

I get that people don’t like Trump and he says some really fucked up shite sometimes, sometimes stirs racial tensions and the pot, but his track record with having a flourishing economy and American’s who are able to get ahead financially, is plain and simple, in black and white. 

Biden, not so much. The mainstream media is trying to convince voters that even though Biden may not be up to the challenge, he is a better choice because he has no criminal convictions and doesn’t say stupid shit (which he does sometimes). They are trying to get voters on board by putting Elon Musk and others who are a little outrageous in the spotlight and get voters on board with Biden because he has more likeable followers. Look mates I didn’t dig that Elon Musk wanted workers to sleep at the office so they could spend more time at work, rude AF but the man is also brilliant and a visionary. I’ve worked for those types they are demanding and a little insane and if those are the people following Trump then so be it, it does not make them wrong. 

The economy has been so unstable since Biden stepped into office that no one knows if we can move ahead or plan for a recession and it’s been that way for four fucking years.The point is, many American’s do feel and believe that the country has been worse off since Biden took office than it was under Trump’s reign. And it’s that belief that the media does not get much less understand. 

As for Elon Musk’s support of Trump, again not news I care about. What I’d like to know is Elon, bro, what the fuck with that truck? The thing is hideous and from the complaints I keep seeing it poorly made and does not live up to it’s promises. 

As for the mainstream media, stop staring the pot and go find some real news like the homeless crisis here in Denver because of our Mayor’s shite choices, or the illegal immigrants who flooded our city, because of both the Mayor’s and Governors shite choices to allow for that. 

Stop trying to convince voters that because the big bad wolf, Elon Musk is voting for Trump, a vote for Trump is wrong. The mainstream media is trying to use the publics dislike of Musk here and that is pretty plain. 

Cristal M Clark

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