Denver Businesses, Residents Still Asking For Action

Elon Musk-A Boy With A Dream

Mayor and Team Insist Things are Improving

Cristal M Clark 

Some recent headlines this week from Denver~

Denver Business Owners Close Shop Due to Arson/Drug Use Near Library Bayaud 

Denver Bail Bonds Row Has Fallen Into Disrepair

Man Dead, Woman Critically Wounded in Denver Double Shooting

Mayor Mike Johnston Faces Sharp Criticism from Montbello Residents Inaction and Inequality 

Denver Rent Nearly $300 Above the Colorado Average 

These are just some of a few headlines from this past week with regards to Denver and they have hardly gotten the attention of our Mayor. 

The city has a huge homeless problem, abandoned buildings are being used as drug houses and/or squatters move right Into them. Bail Bonds Row is looks something like an abandoned drug neighbourhood straight out of Chicago, some parts of the city have what they call car dump sites, this is where stolen cars are dumped or left for future use (I heard someone from the City wanted to know how. I came up with that, well it was on the Denver Channel the other day and I happen to know one said repeat car thief who told me). We have more and more shootings each weekend, over half go unreported to the media, and instead of reporting to the police all criminal activity go to NextDoor as well as any social media platform and you see people posting about it. They feel that they need to take matters info our own hands since police response times are lower than they have ever been.  

With all of this news it is not surprising that both the Mayor and City Council have a pretty low approval rating and that is citywide, not just form Montbello. Look we do not have enough coppers on the street and the Mayor’s answer is to lower hiring standards and bring in some from fresh garbage to police the city rather than hiring the right type of individuals, then we have groups like HouseKey’s for Action demanding the city give not only blood but everyone’s firstborn just to care for and house the Homeless and the Illegal Immigrants who flood the city. 

The business who closed up shop du dot Arson and Drug use, it’s not the first in the city nor will it be the last. I was out for a walk yesterday morning and saw in the wee hours people buying drugs right on the fucking side of the street. You drive around anywhere and you see it happen, the RiNo district has publicly said that it feels a lot like it’s an open drug market. 

The Mayor can go up on television and say things are improving but the fact of the matter is simply that things are moving, around. If you move them from one space or part of the city, they move to another space or part of the city. They are moving alright, just not in the right direction. 

The homeless issues are not getting better at all, we are still not helping enough of them and by help yes that means some will need to be forced into rehab, hospitals or jails. Those that legitimately want the help will agree to work for it and that is a viable option that we have yet to see the Mayor utilise. 

People that I speak with constantly tell me that this Mayor is a complete joke, focusing on the outcome of his own agendas, not bothering with the aftermath of his agendas. When they start to fail and fall apart, all he cares about are the numbers he promised. What he fails to realise is that if he had a more successful way of handling things with clear paths forward even if he did not meet his numbers, the ones he promised, he’d be hailed a huge success. City Council is no better in all honesty. Each district has it’s own deal and with that comes the council members personal agenda. I have literally heard people on city council in certain districts complain that it would seem that individuals of certain races get more tickets yet when you look at that general area and see the makeup of most of it’s citizens, you can clearly see why. Then that city council  members will insist that we do away with or rewrite a section of law taking yet more police powers away without ever breaking down the reality of those that live within those communities. It’s a vicious and sad tale that will continue to repeat. 

What we have yet to actually see are the improvements, clear paths forward and a plan of action, what we continually see is the Mayor pat himself on the back for meeting his personal and very political goals through numbers that generally operate like a revolving door, they don’t change much because he has no long fucking term plan. 

So a huge round of applause for Mayor Mike Johnston for letting the voters and the city down and for continuing to do so. 

Cristal M Clark

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Late Fall 2024  Elon Musk – A Boy With A Dream

A tale of Fiction Written by Cristal M Clark 

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