Officer Resigns After Locking Himself in Car with Suspect

San Francisco, CA 

Cristal M Clark  

When cops make mistakes, it is bad enough but when they go as far as locking themselves in a car with a suspect, you know times are pretty bad and pickens are pretty slim if not shady. 

Just after 1:30 a.m. former San Diego police Officer Anthony Hair told a dispatcher he’d arrived at Las Colinas Detention Facility in Santee to drop off a woman that he had arrested. The only small problem was that he was not actually at the detention facility, he was about two blocks away, on a dark, residential road and roughly 10 minutes later that was where he had been found after having called dispatch back for assistance because he had somehow locked himself in the back of the patrol which female suspect whom he had  arrested. 

The other small issue was somehow, and oh only God would know how, he knocked his body camera off which was found in the front seat of his patrol car. 

Now Anthony’s story was that he thought the woman was in need of medical assistance so what’s a copper to do but hop in the backseat of said patrol car, closing the door behind him to help. After an investigation had been launched, both Anthony and his female suspect denied anything sexual had occurred in the entire hour that the 2 were locked inside the patrol car together.

At any rate, Anthony, who had only been on the job with San Fran for a little over a year, resigned. Since Denver Mayor Mike Johnston has elected to lower hiring standards here in Denver for our police, perhaps we can offer Anthony a job? 

The news comes from several investigations the San Diego Police Department made public last month under SB 16 and SB 1421, 2 laws that make some officer misconduct files public.

What makes this tale so fascinating and why it would be important is that when asked if investigators could test Anthony’s uniform for semen, he politely declined the request which tells you that he should not be given a gun, badge or uniform. 

This highlights the public’s distrust of police, not only in San Fran but nationwide.

Here at home in Denver, if we lower hiring standards for police, we will be seeing stories like this start to rise from the pristine ashes of our very own police department. Any slight on either side and you change the entire landscape of what policing is. 

Police must be held to a higher standard, they cannot bow down to political pressure, or go running off to lower hiring standards to meet the agenda of an overzealous mayor or change things because of a study that city council is pushing that really is not all that accurate, likewise, bowing down to public pressure does not mix with policing. The police are here to do a job, now bow to the whims of the public much less to politics. Most studies that come across my desk that have to do with policing in this country are clearly more one sided than not which makes them in and of themselves a travesty. They hardly ever take into account for instance the demographics in particular areas and when they do, the person or group who sells them to you tend to leave that part out so that things are shoved off as racial bias, or bias against certain groups or types of individuals when they simply are not. 

Police are here to uphold laws and to keep the public safe – not fuck suspects in the back of a patrol car, but this is yet another example of bad police giving all police a bad reputation. It is also yet another reason the public loses trust in police.

The bottom line is that Police are here to serve and protect, without bias, in order to accomplish that, we must ensure that any officer who wears a uniform is fit for the job and that includes having a zero tolerance policy for bias in any form as well as sexual misconduct, anger management issues and those who simply just treat others badly. Being a police officer does in fact require the right temperament, the right education, and the right type who knows how to act under extreme pressure or in extremely stressful situations. 

As for dear Anthony here, well apply in Denver, our Mayor if you didn’t hear, has in his infinite wisdom lowered the hiring standards you might just land a job here since another state is fishing for our good coppers from Denver. 

Cristal M Clark

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