Cringe: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) – Sex and Drug Trafficking?


House Ethics Committee – Gaetz Guilty

Cristal M Clark

Of all of the sickening and cringy crap politicians pull, Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz takes the cake. The House Ethics Committee is probing Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) over a number of salacious allegations, including that he used illegal drugs and engaged in sexual misconduct, and that sexual misconduct involves underage individuals. Just gross.

The story goes that on 9, April, 2021, the bipartisan committee decided to start looking into allegations that Matt Gaetz had been paying for sex with teenagers, drug trafficking, accepting bribes, as well as sharing inappropriate material on the House floor, and other conduct issues.
First of all, what in the actual fuck, it is 2024, it has taken the committee how many years to bother themselves with letting the public know about this guys behavior? To make matters much, much worse, it turns out that the Department of Justice investigated the allegations, but the criminal probe did not produce any charges?

The news did not stop the ethics committee and it did not halt there investigation into Matt Gaetz and subsequently the DOJ reauthorized the committee to continue its investigation.Reauthorized? The DOJ has the audacity to believe they have some type of authority here when they did not in any way shape or form bother to conduct a real investigation in the first place? This has to be a joke right? Turns out kids, it is not a joke.
Either way, this is a complete and total travesty of justice, because it is fairly clear that the DOJ turnt a blind eye to the core of the allegations. You see this all came about because Matt’s good friend and pal, former Seminole County tax collector Joel Greenberg, went to prison for six federal crimes including sex trafficking minors. Some of the women who testified in the case told CNN that Joel Greenberg was paying minors and women to attend sex parties that were attended by both Matt Gaetz and Joel Greenberg.

One young woman in particular, who had testified in the Joel Greenberg case, happened to be just 17-years-old at the time when she alleges Matt Gaetz, who was not 17, and in fact was double her age at the time, paid to have sex with her in 2017. While Matt Gaetz has denied the allegation, both witnesses and Joel Greenberg’s confession letter corroborate the allegation. And to further prove the fact of Matt Gaetz’s guilt here, his fucking Venmo history also, for whatever reason seems to corroborate the allegations, HIS VENMO HISTORY CORROBORATES THE BLOODY ALLEGATIONS? And yet, still no charges have ever been filed against the congressman, the DOJ just seems to have turnt a blind eye to it because of his status no doubt.

Does the DOJ think they get paid with money that grows on bloody trees or do they realize that they get paid from taxpayer funds, we fund them, yet they can’t seem to bother themselves with doing their jobs now can they?

If this was not a congressman, and just some guy, some nameless working-class guy, he’d be strung up on charges by his balls and it most certainly would never have taken years to get to the point where it ends up in the mainstream media because law enforcement failed to do their actual job, the one single job that they get paid to do.

Our entire system is a complete and utter joke, this type of inaction from the DOJ who is supposed to be the king of all law enforcement here has failed. This is why the public continues to lose faith in our law enforcement nationwide, when you have the guys at the top giving a free pass to a guy all because he is a congressman. The inaction on the part of the DOJ here is not absolutely inexcusable it is utterly disgusting, it is not the Department of Justice but rather the Department of Injustice.

Cristal M Clark

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