RTD Transit Police to Start Patrolling Overnight

Denver’s Regional Transportation District

Cristal M Clark

Well in somewhat good news, RTD has announced that its transit police are going to begin overnight patrols starting May 5, 2024. Too bad its not now, this AM at the shit show Downing and Colfax stop I saw a guy slumped over higher than a freaking kite. I did however see them on Sunday during a walk, someone had broken a sign at that stop, as of last night it was still lying on the ground. Come on RTD, go clean it the fuck up, you know it is only a matter of time before someone uses it as a weapon for Christs sake.

RTD Transit Chief of Police and Emergency Management Dr. Joel Fitzgerald, Sr had this to say: “The introduction of an overnight team has been a priority for RTD-PD, and it was always contingent upon our hiring success, we needed enough staff to begin to provide the high-performance service our stakeholders expect. As we continue to grow, you’ll see us even more.”

RTD also plans to add six mental health clinicians and five homeless coordinators to its community outreach staff by the end of the year.

RTD states that the overnight team will focus on areas in need of greater safety efforts for bus and rail operators, such as when employees begin their morning shifts at Denver Union Station. As staffing increases, the agency will then prioritize other problem areas. Might I recommend your Downing and Colfax stop? And by that, I mean that I would highly recommend it or rather strongly urge them to do more about this stop post haste.

It is not only an unnecessary bus stop, it is riddled with drug use, violence, at times prostitution and overall individuals just loitering and not even using RTD, they hide in the shelter of the stop and shoot up or smoke meth or crack. With that, the transit police need to work with DPD when they see something going on, that is in the parking lot of Papa John’s, behind the restaurant and in the ally, not just ignore it and pretend it is not their problem.

RTD is asking that you report illegal, unwanted or suspicious activity by calling RTD police at 303-299-2911. Customers can also text 303-434-9100. I prefer posting the activity on X however, it garners a much more fruitful response when the masses also see what is going on at our deplorable bus stops. Either way readers it is your choice, but I strongly encourage you weather you ride RTD or not- to report any and all unsavory activity that you see. RTD and the public need to see what is really going on at its stops, it’s time to stop clowning around here RTD.

Not everyone wants to be part of the Facebook Group, the shit you see on Colfax which features a lot of garbage at the bus stops in and around town. They seem to be favoring the light rail stop in Lakewood these days, you know the one off of Colfax and Wadsworth, where individuals smoke crack or meth in the elevators and stairs…RTD can certainly do much, much better than they are I would say.

It is not the job of Denver or Lakewood Police to police the bus stops but if they have to, they will.

Cristal M Clark 


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