Jeff Sessions – Continues to Operate with Pure Ineptitude 

Jeff Sessions – Continues to Operate with Ineptitude

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U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions – Can we just give him a job that he can actually do?

Other countries are starting to take some pretty big notice of Trump and his Administration’s desire to keep America locked in a time that no longer exists. They are seeing, Trump and his Administration’s efforts to keep, forbade and prohibit America from moving forward in a progressive and well thought out manner, thus keeping America at the top of the food chain.

The Administration and policies it suggests at most turns seem to be a step at rolling back instead of forward. Which is the wrong direction as most of you would agree.

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One big todo has to do with how U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions feels about legal marijuana. Setting aside his announcement today to increase civil forfeiture and going with something simple. His take is that it (pot) is really no better than heroin although the yearly death rate of those that have OD’d on Marijuana has oddly and rather shockingly remained at zero, since oh the beginning of time. Shocking because Jeff seems so concerned that it is somehow a dangerous drug or a gateway drug of some type.


Yes, Marijuana is a gateway drug…to nacho’s, cheetos, and just about any junk food one could think of.

Of Marijuana users, if you were to actually take the time and look at those who are just using Marijuana, not mixing it with other drugs, legal or otherwise and alcohol you’ll note the users are typically non-violent, they just want to chill out for some reason.

Seems like really odd behavior for such a dangerous drug, right?

Well not according to our good friend Jeff Sessions who has vowed to lead this administration into all out war with states that have legalized. See, back in February, Donald Trump’s Department of Justice announced plans to aggressively go after states that have legalized both recreational and medical marijuana while good old Sean Spicer promised that Trump actually sees “a big difference” between the two.

I mean the guy (Jeff) is clearly just not qualified to do the job, he lacks any knowledge whatsoever about what is really going on here or even in the world, refuses to become educated and just wants things his way, because he can’t get past the fact that it just isn’t the 60’s anymore.   

A perfect example of Jeff’s ineptitude is that he once upon a time  made an ill fated joke that he thought the violent white supremacists of the KKK were and I believe it went a lot like, “okay until I found out they smoked pot.”  Then went on to establish a task force to investigate the connection between marijuana and violent crime. If actually done, you will find the report will be useless because cannabis users are typically non-violent until and unless you look at other contributing factors such as, other drugs used, alcohol and mental issues that may or may not be treated with other types of drugs. Again, to get a really good idea of cannabis users and so called violent crime, you’d have to look at just the pool of users who are strictly only using cannabis otherwise any task-force, study or numbers tossed out would be useless because they would not be factual but simply, just what this Jeff wants because he has a bone if you catch my drift. For no other reason that he wants it his way.

In rolling back states attempts at a much more sensible drug policy, Jeff is actually seeking to take America back to a time when misinformation and hysteria beat out science and reason.

Which also pretty much sums up the entire Trump Administration.

Let’s just look at a few facts:

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Trump’s approval rating is currently sitting at an all time low, in fact the majority of U.S. Presidents have never had the privilege of such a low approval rating. So quite frankly I am shocked that he is putting up that Napoleon Complex that just seeps from Jeff Sessions anytime the man enters a room, opens his mouth spatting out inept thoughts that are ill formed with the the sole desire to hold us back instead of move us forward.  

In fact, world wide Trump’s approval rating is even lower, and it continues to fall. Other Nations have an overall sense that Trump is in fact, destroying the United States, peice, by piece.

But here is the juice:

A recent Gallup poll found that 1 in 8 US adults admits to using cannabis and more than half have tried it. (I’m sure it’s a lot higher but you know people don’t want everyone knowing they use pot)

The US has 29 legal medical marijuana states

8 states have gone a step further and legalized cannabis for recreational use, allowing people over the age of 21 to enjoy it responsibly, like alcohol but without that pesky violent behavior that sometimes follows the use of heavy drinking.  

Another 14 states are looking to legalize marijuana


Here in Colorado, we topped a cool $1 Billion in cannabis sales last year alone, which in turn offered an even cooler $2 million in tax revenue for the state.

So why is this news now?

It’s not so much new news however, back in April Jeff called for a Justice Department task force to review policies in a number of areas, including marijuana. He requested recommendations “no later than July 27.”

Jeff Sessions is just an angry little man who just wants it his way and whose use is comparable to decaf coffee, it has no use and it belongs in the garbage.

Cristal M Clark

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