The company that Brought About the Flint Water Crisis

The company that Brought About the Flint Water Crisis


About to Give onto Another

Yes, you read that right. The company that is responsible for poisoning the residents of Flint, Michigan are about to share that wealth by poisoning the largest city in Africa.


Veolia the company in question is sitting at the top of the list of private companies who will be awarded the opportunity to fix the water infrastructure which is virtually crumbling in the city of Lagos, Nigeria.

Veolia not only destroyed Flints water systems which is still un-fucking-fixed, they also created major issues for Pittsburgh’s water infrastructure.

Now they are moving on to Lagos.


While the move makes sense from an economic standpoint, private companies have deeper pockets than governments do, from a human being standpoint it allows for private companies to toy with human lives by doing shoddy work, having no accountability, being dishonest, cheating and poisoning residents with zero liability or accountability for it.


All while being able to walk away from the nightmare virtually untouched, leaving a corporation still intact.

They have and offer no real transparency either.

Which is a problem. By offering no transparency the company really does not have to answer to anyone unlike if the responsibility were that of the governments they would have to be transparent, the government would then also by default be held accountable should the water come out like it did and still is in Flint Michigan.

Veolia for the record cannot and should not be trusted, they are under investigation in at least three countries.

Governments, if they wanted to could however make companies like Veolia accountable and hand down harsh fines, threaten to put board members in prison etc, when things like Flint, Michigan happen. These guys are no better than common criminals after all, they just have money.

It’s time to stop allowing big corporations to get away with poisoning the world and treat them just as what they are. Criminals.

Cristal M Clark

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