Another Day- Another School Shooting

Will it Ever End?

Cristal M Clark 

Today marks another sad day, another school shooting, leaving three adults and three children dead. The shooting happened at a covenant school in Nashville’s Greenhills neighbourhood this morning. The suspected shooter who, in fact was fatally shot by police has been identified as 28-year-old Audrey Hill from Nashville. The authorities have said that the shooter was armed with at least two assault rifles and handguns and had surveilled and made plans to shoot up the school in addition to that, the shooter was also a former student.

So far as of today school shootings have killed 175 people from columbine to Nashville in the United States. Columbine happened in 1999. If you go to this year‘s Wikipedia list of mass shootings, not just schools, in the United States alone as of January, we were sitting at 205 as of February we were at 160. Our total is 365 and I believe that that includes the Nashville shooting today.

This has left many parents wondering is it safe to send my child to school anymore? The sad reality is schools are an easy target for an angry and violent individual who wants to wreak havoc and kill as many people as possible.

When you go back to 2020 and we look at why school resource officers were removed from them It was over the George Floyd killing and people called for police to be removed from schools – the excuse then was it was because the kids were afraid of a police presence. 

In fact this past year one school district here in Colorado ran a televised I think it was YouTube or televised for school, ad that encouraged students to not trust the police. These are adults that were encouraging students not to go to the police, to not talk to the police and their excuse was it was because the students cannot trust the police because police are all bad, they profile or beat you up?

Look, here’s a thing I know that this is a hard and horrible day for the United States especially for the parents of the children in Nashville. The problem is simply that you cannot keep beating a dead horse and that’s what we keep doing.

Put the police in the school no, now we’re afraid the police take them out of the school because police profile in fact, one a lawmaker here in Colorado did not want to put police back in the public schools after last weeks Denver East high school shooting where a student went on campus and shot two school administrators. Her reasoning is that research shows that police racially profile students in there are more expulsions and suspensions for students of colour.

Look, if I want to go out and find any research on the Internet that supports what I say and what I think I can find it whether it’s true or not I can find it. The reality is when you remove the police from the schools violent things will happen because right now criminals know the schools are easy targets, particularly grade schools and middle schools, where there is less likelihood of a police presence.

A lot of parents are worried about their children when they send them off to school for a multitude of reasons and kids are worried too. Am I going to see my friends? Am I gonna get recess will mommy like what I made her at school? I’m looking at grade school children these are innocent children they shouldn’t have to worry about being shot. No school should have to go on lockdown out of fear of a mass shooter on the campus however, it is a reality in today’s world.

What we need to be thinking of are ways to better protect students from gun violence on campus one the best ways to do that is to pass strong gun regulation. 

The other idea here is to start hunting down the sellers of illegal weapons. That’s a big problem in the United States and it’s often been said and it is true that if someone really wants a gun they can get one but we need to do a better job of is finding the sellers of the guns that are being sold illegally in the United States.

More often than not we miss these mass shooters, and they are purchasing guns legally, they profile where they’re going to shoot. There’s a lot of hate speech online and on social media sites where they talk about violence the FBI might meet with them or they may not because they don’t have credible enough information. When are we going to learn that you know when the United States government said when you see something say something, when are we going to learn from that because people are saying something sometimes and nobody is listening what we often hear is well, it was just a threat they didn’t mean it or there’s nothing to substantiate the threat and then we see yet another shooting.

Gun makers and gun manufacturers need to be held accountable and really I understand they have deep pockets and back politicians for their own political gain but it’s about time that we started holding them accountable to the fullest extent by bankrupting them. I stand behind any family who lost someone in a mass shooting who sues, manufactures and gun makers they deserve to bankrupt those companies.

If those companies were at all responsible like responsible adults, they would advocate for strict gun laws, they would advocate for the prosecution of anyone who is selling their weapons illegally and they would back strict gun regulations, such as mental evaluations, and the removal of guns from individuals who do not pass a thorough mental evaluation on a continual basis. 

They would advocate to get rid of military style weapons on our streets. Yeah I get that it’s cool to own an A.R. 15. I know you probably do not need it but why the fuck do you have it because it’s cool, really? I assume your dick pretty small.  

If you go out to Wikipedia and you look at just this year’s shootings alone, and this isn’t just schools, from January 1 through today there is a shooting almost every week sometimes two and three times a week. In some cases even more it is truly sad to see what’s happening in our society.

Part of the issue is that we have an angry society. We have people that are out of work. We have people that have lost their homes. I’m not sure what city most of my readers and listeners live in, but if you drive around any major city, you start to see the homeless population that is just exploded out of nowhere. 

The cost of living is insane, food costs, everything and we have a fed who continues to raise the interest rates to an unattainable level for young people, including myself and I’m not that young but they continue to raise the interest rate in order to get inflation under control but it’s an archaic system. People are losing jobs because of that. It’s an old way of fixing an economy and it’s outdated. They can’t figure out a sensible way of fixing it, and there really is an easy way of fixing it they just do not want to do it so instead of society is paying the price for that.

As a result, we have people that have lost homes, lost jobs, lost their vehicles, lost everything that they’ve owned they’re angry because they can’t find work. They’re angry because they can’t put food on the table. They’re angry because they can’t pay that electric bill. They feel destitute, and sometimes people are just fucking crazy. Young people are starting to not see a future at all. The point is that we are allowing these individuals to get by undetected and unnoticed and not stopped before they go somewhere that’s heavily populated, particularly at school and start shooting.

Schools nationwide need to have armed officers on all campuses at all times that includes grade schools. I know people are not going to like that answer but it is one way to stop a mass shooter. At some of the schools I remember when my kids were young, they had one officer, but is that enough?  Schools, especially larger, campuses or where there’s grade school students they should have more than one officer on campus at all times.

It’s not a popular answer I understand that, but for everyone who’s afraid of the police you should get adjusted to the idea that when you ask for no police, these are the kinds of things that will happen. 

On the flip-side of that when you advocate for gun legislation and gun control and politicians, turn it into a political battleground, knowing that the gun makers and manufacturers will support and dump funds into politicians who support their outcome, we face a no-win battle. 

We’re going to lose no matter how you look at it then on top of that, you have gone nuts don’t take away my guns, the government is going to come for my guns you can’t have them, it’ll be war here in the United States if you try to take them. 

Well look folks some people shouldn’t have guns, someone who goes and gets a gun today may be on a medication tomorrow that makes them incapable of responsibly owning that weapon. Some people go through a midlife crisis. 

They need to undergo mental evaluations and those mental evaluation’s need to be ongoing and they need to be of the kind that people cannot fake their way through it.They need to take classes to own any gun, they need to provide a list of all medications they are on, who lives in their home, and they should allow for the government to stop by anytime to inspect how the guns are stored. By not doing these things we continually open the door for potential problems.

We also have problems with teenagers and guns, and this goes back to parenting. Parents who allow their teenagers, access to weapons and ammunition, and their teenager goes on a shooting rampage fuck you and  I am serious when I say this, you should be responsible for that fully, completely and totally. You make yourself complicit the second you allow your teen access to weapons and ammunition.

So what do we do here? Do we continue to let this happen? You know there were kids on TV last week from East high school here in Denver one young man was like look we’re growing you know like we’re getting used to school shootings, we are desensitised another teenager, expressed concern and fear just at the thought of going back to school.

Well, one answer is to stop with the political bullshite and do what needs to be done. Don’t give me that bullshite one nation under God, the law is not God, politicians are not God in fact, I do not buy that political bullshite one nation under God. This is one nation of under redneck, inbreeding and irresponsible gun ownership and gun violence.

We could take guns away from everyone but that would start a war here. What we need to do is start systematically removing dangerous weapons, especially high assault rifles from ownership of people, and again you need to start doing mental evaluation‘s, and every single gun owner on a yearly basis, and in some cases every six months, depending on age and/or medication, it’s kind of a give-and-take situation. 

Owning a gun is a privilege not fucking a right, maybe when they wrote the constitution people may have understood it that way and maybe that is what we need to see today. Does that 2nd Amendment still work in today’s world? It’s a goddamn privilege for only the most responsible of individuals, not a right. 

Gun advocates do not want strong legislation what is it that they keep shoving down everyone’s throats, oh yes, guns do not kill people, people kill people. Technically true a gun can’t pull its own trigger, depending on the circumstances there are times that it could, but why put the weapon in front of someone in the first place? Why give them the opportunity to even own it?

Many of my listeners write in after there’s a mass shooting especially when there’s one at a school and Cristal what are we doing wrong here? Why can’t we solve this issue? Why do gun owners not understand it? It doesn’t seem to be that difficult- well it is that difficult because we have allowed gun ownership in the United States to run rampant in go by unchecked, literally unchecked.

Look for a many years my dad was a gun owner and he was a responsible owner. He taught my brother and I how to shoot a gun when we’re kids. He always kept the ammunition locked up and away from the guns and he had the key my brother, and I could not get to key. 

But my mom became mentally ill, kind of crazy and I remember one time thinking as a kid what if she gets her hands on one of the guns, she’s gonna kill us all. Then, as years went on many years later, my dad was getting older he was diabetic, he was having memory issues he was on all kinds of medication and, one time he told me  “I’m not sure I should have guns in the house because what if you come over come in in the middle of the night and I shoot you?” It dawned on me that really bothered him to think he may not be a responsible gun owner anymore because of all the things happening to me and the medication that I’m on. 

These are realities that we need to look at in the society. So no, owning a gun is not truly a right anymore, it’s a privilege. But that is in and of itself an old way of thinking, it came from a time of war in our own country, so gun owners out of fears that have been passed down generationally, stand behind the idea that no one better come for their guns. 

Again, I will go back to the illegal sales of guns seems to be a big, big problem but if you noticed in a lot of these mass shootings these mass shooters legally own the weapons so that argument is invalid. 

So for most of the Mass Shooters here in the United States, guns were in the hands of killers legally, which tells me buying far that the FBI has failed to do its job. 

The FBI actually had interactions with, and failed to step in and start legal proceedings to remove the guns from many of our mass shooters homes. Yes, we have red flag laws now, but the FBI has the power to supersede whatever the state and local government says at any time.

So the FBI has got a big task at hand they’ve got to not only figure out who’s responsible for selling illegal weapons, but they need to wrap their head around figuring out how to take weapons away from people who might be potentially dangerous now whether that’s for a time, or permanently remains to be seen. 

Which is what part of these red flag laws are supposed to be doing but in some cases they are not really enforced. 

In the end, it does not matter what laws we put on the books, it doesn’t matter what we’re going to enforce, and what we’re not, when you tie the hands of law enforcement, it’s useless.

The simplest way to put this is that you’re going to have accusations about racial profiling, then you’re going to have accusations of, I posted this on social media and the FBI saw they didn’t have access to my social media so they illegally took my weapons away, you’re going to have accusations of my psychiatrist says that I’m okay to have my guns, my therapist cleared me, while the FBI says I’m not, and then you’re always going to have illegal gun sales. In the meantime because we do not have any of that set up, we need to start suing people and the legal system is going to have to start doing more than it is.

When I look back at things, I think why did schools not fight to keep resource officers in them? Why do parents allow access to guns and ammunition? Why don’t gun makers and manufacturers give a fuck about anything other than gun sales? Why don’t politicians care about the children in this nation? Why are they all not one solidified front saying we need to put a stop to this by any means possible?

Schools who never fought police being removed-sue them 

Parents who allow access to guns and ammunition -sue them 

Gun makers and manufacturers-sue them 

Politicians who legislate for less gun control and who use political power to stop gun control- sue them 

Why not Start suing everyone in the group above and anyone else who seems to feel that gun ownership in a country full of those that seek to harm is a right, they have not done anything to protect your children. They have done nothing to protect you when you’re at the grocery store or at a concert or a club just enjoying your own time, what have they done to protect you, so why not sue them all?

When you call for less police in the world and fail to enforce strict gun laws, you basically open the door to bigger problems. When you continue to be so unreasonable as to believe in such a violent world we should not and cannot have better and more strict gun control, and continually allow yourself to believe gun ownership is a right, you allow for more innocent children and adults to needlessly be gunned down. And in this case, we have sent an invitation and have opened the doors to our public schools and by default, invited the shooters in.

Cristal M Clark

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