Time to Recall Mayor Mike Johnston 

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston Utter Failure

Cristal M Clark 

Here in Denver we have gone from illegal immigration nightmare to it becoming more manageable however, news is breaking nationwide that Denver might be hit hard this summer. Seems that news has spread that our city will give an illegal immigrant more help than we do our own homeless. That’s right, that is exactly what is happening. But why you might wonder?

Well it has less to do with actually helping and more to do with getting votes from new, freshly eligible voters for one party, because that party helped them when they invaded our country. 

But what of our citizens who are homeless and who are in need of help? I recently spoke with a newly released inmate of the Denver County Jail who also happens to be homeless. 

The majority of Denver’s homeless feel forgotten and that they are getting less help from the city. If you are here illegally you get housing first and foremost unless you have done the full jail/prison tour multiple times. 

My recently released on a $10K PR bond friend had been released from more than one jurisdiction before on PR bonds, never shows back up to court, has been homeless for over two years and has no required documents such as any ID, no social security card, lost his birth certificate, can’t get a job and bounces all over the place. Also might have some mental issues but we can discuss that another time. 

First things first, every single person I talked to about Denver Courts releasing repeat offenders on PR bonds who are homeless was completely floored. They could not believe that our judicial system would send a known homeless person off on a simple PR bond let a lone someone who has repeatedly failed to show for court dates. Remember a lot of homeless have had no structure for quite some time, if you truly want to help them and release them on a PR bond, you must provide the needed structure so as to ensure success but this is not about that now is it?

Ah, but this time they gave him an ankle monitor…with no plan, nothing but a PR bond and a new piece of jewellery. This is an individual who has no address, goes from being happy and well adjusted to moody and depressed, they just send him off out into the street. It really helped that the jail also released him in the middle of the night (by the way, the city could be sued for that). His hearing was shortly after 9am, he didn’t get released until almost midnight. The people I shared that story with were shocked and horrified that this is how we are spending tax dollars. We take a homeless individual and let them out, with no plan, no resources, and no required documents and expect to see them again? When they get picked up for failing to appear or something else. Every single person I spoke with said the same thing “It’s like the system wants him to fail!” And they do, they are showing us that point blank, it’s in clear black and white. This is precisely why I stopped being a probation officer years ago, the system could give a fuck less about helping, it’s more about money and notches in belts. 

Amazing honestly and quite disappointing. Now let’s get to my homeless friend here. He tells me that he has been homeless for over two years and has been unable to get the universal allowance both Aurora and Denver had, is unable to get into housing you know all these places that the mayor is pushing down our throats, no my homeless friend tells me that he watched housing go to illegal immigrants before him even though he’s been waiting for over two years. Not only that he also watched it go to drug dealers and worse more hardened criminals. 

Why last week the news reported that one shelter the city bought Formerly known as the DoubleTree Hotel, the building at 4040 Quebec St. in Denver is now leased by the city as part of Mayor Mike Johnston’s House1000 initiative received over 400 calls since being converted. And why is this news now? Because it took two people being murdered to garner attention to the problem. I said it before, house them if you wish but you need to have rules surrounding that housing and make them abide by those rules. They have no structure and it took two individuals getting murdered to highlight that. 

The system is broken and our Mayor Mike Johnston is hell bent on making it worse and less user friendly for our own. No one that I spoke with supports helping illegal immigrants to the extent that our Mayor has, not a single solitary soul supports it over helping our own. 

Help obtaining housing, required documents, work, food and resources should go to our own homeless first. And if they continue to mess up then yes they should be in jail but when you take a known homeless person who has no way to begin with and expect them to find a way without help, you are setting them up for failure. 

You have to jail the bad ones’ and help those that have no other help. Even the mentally ill ones like my new friend who is not thinking clearly and who doesn’t really understand that our system, our own judicial system here in Denver has set him up for failure and all with the help of Mayor Mike Johnston who would prefer to help illegal immigrants over our own citizens. 

Yes this is two problems, two distinct issues that our Mayor is choosing to turn a blind eye to, he wants to slap a bandaid on it and secure votes for a certain political party. 

And people wonder why Trump wins. 

It is time to recall Mayor Mike Johnston unless he can come to the table with a real plan to deal with our issues here in Denver. All the people you have running things are failing you Mayor, and you are failing us, your constituents. 

Cristal M Clark 


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