Shooting at Denver’s Shit Show Colfax and Downing Bus Stop 

Highlights the Need to Shut it Down. 

Cristal M Clark 

Overnight news broke about a shooting at Denver’s Downing and Colfax Bus Stop, yes you know the one if you are from the Cap Hill area, next to Papa John’s and John’s Liquor. This happens to be one of RTD’s more troubling bus stops, in part due to its proximity to a liquor store.  It does not help that the Papa John’s allows for drug use and sales on its property. 

Drug use in the area is at a frightening high, last week we watched more drug users filter over to my parking lot to get high, so yesterday was like any other nice warm day in Denver at the Downing and Colfax bus stop. Rife with drug use, homeless filtering through the area and normal criminal elements who spent the day drinking and getting high, it is no surprise that someone was shot and killed. 

Since I live near that bus stop here is yesterday’s rundown of events, the morning started off pretty quiet like most mornings, then the shit bags started to filter into the area, seemingly with no place to go but to hang out all day at the bus stop drinking, getting high, selling drugs and stolen goods. Around 3PM a white guy in short sleeved, plaid dress shirt came walking through my parking lot, agitated and clearly looking for someone or escape, as he walked out of our lot he crossed Downing in what appeared to be a clear attempt to not go near the bus stop. Fast forward to 6:30PM  the bus stop was full of individuals who had nothing to do but hang out, as I was taking out garbage I noticed that yet another shit bag strolled up, everyone was drunk or high or both as they greeted this man as if they had been lifelong friends. It was a party at the Downing Street Bus Stop.  Across the street over at the post office someone was behind a tree going through several bags, boxes and clothing, it looked like they had stolen something as they broke open a box of what I could not tell. They had a backpack, a yellow reusable bag, several other bags and the box. 

In case you’re wondering why I keep an eye out, my son, remember he contributes to the theft, homelessness and drug use in the city. Whilst I do not condone it, I am still his mother and I love him. Long story short is that I told the Denver DA not to let him out on bond a while back, explained his issues and they were trying to be helpful but let him bond out of jail on a PR bond, one felony case one misdemeanor case on the 19th of March, one of his cases had a return court date of the 26th of March, in which he did not show up for and he has been MIA since and I keep a careful eye out for him so I can drive him to the police station. I love him, but I will not harbor a criminal, he has or had an ankle monitor so I am shocked the police haven’t gotten him yet. As for the DA, I do fully intent on pursing charges against the city if anything happens to him, for letting him bond when I specifically asked them not to do that due to his issues. I warned them that he would run. 

At any rate, the shit bag who strolled up to the bus stop had that look about him, that one that makes you immediately walk in the opposite direction, I took one look at the guy and all of the shit bags at that bus stop and knew something was going to happen last night. 

And it did, someone was killed. The bigger problem here is that the neighborhood has complained about this bus stop and the area in and around Papa Johns, they hire kids to work at that place and they are incapable of stopping the criminal activity that frequents this particular area. I vote to shut this bus stop down altogether honestly. DPD doesn’t have the time to deal with it, we’ve called them when drug users come onto our property and get high, they never show up because they have a shit ton of other crap they are dealing with. 

You cannot even walk near it without someone asking for money, threatening violence, trying to sell you drugs or cat calling you as a woman. Last year we had a hooker hanging out at it one night and her pimp was near causing trouble. It’s a complete shit show, and whatever idiot thought it would be a grand idea to have any bus stop near a liquor store should be hauled out to each and every bus stop near a liquor store and forced to spend a week in nice weather at each and every one of them. 

The Downing and Colfax bus stop proves to be a particular problem, it has plenty of space for anyone looking to break the law in whatever way, to do just that. It serves as nothing more than a hangout for those that have no better place to be, it’s hardly what one would call an actual bus stop. I know I drive by the bloody thing every single day. 

So, either shut it down or have the coppers at it 24/7, the point is, my entire neighborhood, myself included at sick of seeing the drugs, the drunken behavior and overall criminal activity at that bus stop. 

No more excuses, it is time that the City and RTD to do something about it once and for all. 

Cristal M Clark

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