All In Mile High Measure of Success –

City Counsil and Denverites Beg to Differ

Cristal M Clark

This morning, I heard a blurb on the news that someone in Mayor Mike Johnston’s office said people should visit the dashboard for All in Mile High so we could see firsthand that it is a huge success.

Oh really? Okay, well if I utilized the number as a revolving door, I too would consider it a success but the fact is, the hard cold truth here is that it is far from a success. First, it is not even near a year old so it is a complete joke that anyone would be calling it a success because we have yet to see long term success with the program at all.

Second, I guarantee they are using revolving door numbers on this one, my son and some of his pals were in the program for a time when they first tried it and went right back to the streets because the shelters are as unsafe as the shelters we had and still have in place, theft, violence, drugs, you name it. It is all the same which I would hardly call successful by any measure. Do you consider the shelter over on Quebec Street a success Mayor Mike Johnston or does that not concern you because you did what you said you would, the aftermath is of no bother to you?

Speaking of measure if this is what they call successful, 1,447 folks housed but those individuals change you know we must keep up appearances and all, what is the measurement of success for this initiative? It seems to be pretty low if it exists at all. Only 50% have been sheltered according to the site but I warn you the numbers make zero sense, 50% have been sheltered 30 + days which means since December the turnover rate has outpaced sheltering.

Last night as I drove by the Shit Show Downing and Colfax bus stops I saw countless homeless strung out drug addicted individuals, some of which I am sure came over from one of the Mayor’s shelters, they certainly do not live in that neighborhood. Where were the transit police, DPD (not that I think DPD is lazy by any means), where was the Mayor or his fucking team? Are you doing anything at all because you seem to be so far removed from the day to day situation that you have yet to figure out how to resolve it much beyond buying old hotels that serve as nothing more than glorified homeless shelters without borders.

Now don’t go and blame just Mayor Mike Johnston here, he doesn’t pay attention to the facts, he just looks at numbers and listens to people, feeding him bullshit. Did you really think that he cared at all? No, he is just looking for people they can register to vote for one party or another. That is after all why we got into our immigration mess, now they want to try to use the homeless. The latter will not work, by the way.

I would suggest he and his team come back to the table when they can find a system that actually does measure success here. You cannot claim success based off of revolving door numbers, that is short term, and highly inaccurate, we the people and City Council want to see long term success and what we are most interested in is what is the plan for that and how do you measure it?  You need to tell us what the  plan is and we need to see it working as it is implemented and in place. That is how you make your so called successful number trick work.

All in Mile High’s dashboard is nothing more than smoke and water. I would highly recommend that the Mayor and his team, sit back and STFU and refrain from calling this failing program a success until it is actually successful.

Cristal M Clark

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