Denver Super Secret Immigrant Homeless Encampment to Be Cleared Out

Not Such a Secret, Now is it?

Cristal M Clark

Nothing surprised me more as I started meeting with our local homeless folks more than the rate of speed at which news travels through the homeless communities in and around the Denver Metro area’s. Nothing is secret or under wraps with that community and I mean nothing.

Local media this AM was reporting about an immigrant homeless encampment that is kept under wraps being swept today. It’s not really under wraps at all, police knew about it and Denver’s homeless community is fully aware of it, as I am sure citizens who passed by it, local businesses. Some folks should practice in the very fine art of choosing their words more carefully.

At any rate, the sweep has left advocates of these illegal immigrants up in arms once again. Back on 28, May 2019 Governor Polis signed into law House Bill (HB) 1124, which made Colorado a Sanctuary State. It prohibits law enforcement and ICE from doing their jobs basically however, it does not in any way shape or form state that Colorado shall provide housing, food or medical assistance to anyone immigrating here illegally. In fact, the law on our books clearly states that we will not provide any of the above.

Now, we get to today’s sweep. It’s causing yet another stir, but I have to really question why here. Arthur Infante with the nonprofit All Souls Denver said immigrants have been forced to move from place to place due to the city’s encampment sweeps. In order to prevent that, they’ve kept the camp “under the radar” for about a month. Thanks for that enlightening line of absolute bullshit Arthur, again, it’s not really been under wraps at all.

The camp according the local media has tripled in size within the past week as Mayor Mike Johnston started to wind down help for immigrants, which was the right thing to do which I will explain.

All Souls Denver who is advocating for safe, sanctioned camping sites for immigrants. “The city needs to do something. We are beyond crisis mode, it’s so beyond crisis,” said Rachel Handler.

True enough Rachel, however, voters did not decide to become a sanctuary anything, our leaders did that. It is a very, very simple mathematical fact that when you add the immigration issues to the entire country’s homeless issues, financial assistance in the way of shelter, food and free medical care starts to become really unstainable. It is a lot like walking on ice, as the weather warms the ice becomes more unstable.

There is a reason that some countries make immigration so difficult, they know for a fact that if you allow for anyone to immigrate without work, money or housing lined up, it will create such a financial catastrophe for said country that they may never come out of it.  Like running a business, if you keep prices so low that anyone and everyone can afford your product and you still want to pay your employees a livable wage, you have overhead, eventually something starts to give, then you have to raise prices which detours sales, therefore cutting into ones bottom line, then downsizing happens, layoffs…That Rachel is accounting 101.

The same thing happens when you try to insist that we have to help everyone. I get it, however we have our own issues and problems in the US and in Colorado that need to be addressed first and foremost. The reason that Polis and Johnston support immigration is for no other reason other than to get people registered who will vote as voters. Do not ever kid yourself by thinking that these two men actually give a fuck about the lives of the individuals they are vowing to help immigrate into the US. Never kid yourself here.

What we are doing is compounding multiple problems into one really large snowball that is eventually going to roll down a really big hill and cause chaos, catastrophe and bigger problems because financially, you cannot support the continued effort to take in immigrants whilst trying to also financially tackle our own problems here at home. That is simple mathematics honestly and I wonder if we fail to teach that to folks anymore. At any rate these two issues intersect and are continually colliding.

I have heard through the grapevine from a reliable source that one of the two men running for President here in the US understands the outcry from US Citizens that we must stop taking in immigrants, he intends to change immigration and from what I understand it might start to become something like what other countries are doing so as to prevent such huge influxes of immigrants to the US. This is something many, many people support myself included at this time which has everything to do with financial burden. Eventually, the raising of taxes or cutting services will become problematic, that is writing on the wall here.

We have our own issues; we have a homeless crisis with a fix that in reality serves as nothing more than a temporary fix. You see it all of the time, someone gets subsidized or affordable housing then a year later they see increased rent and can no longer afford it, so they are back on the street, then you have the temp housing, the homeless do not tend to stay long in that for a multitude of reasons, we have mentally ill homeless, disabled, addicts you name we have it all. Then you have that ones who break the law in order to survive, they are sometimes fully homeless or half housed if you will.

That group requires specialized attention, they are keen on how much money is going to immigration, they are highly susceptible, we must not forget after all, that we have a huge number of radicalized militia groups operating here in the US, they scout this criminal element and teach them to hate the immigrants, to skirt the law, and ready themselves just in case the table turns. I know someone who sort of hangs on the fringes of this group, he was in Denver County Jail recently, where he became highly educated by other inmates on how it is easier to be an immigrant here in Colorado than it is to work for a living, pay taxes etc. hence breaking the law was the second-best option.

He stays with a crew from time to time who has a passion for breaking the law over in the Park Hill neighborhood, one of the girls in that particular group steals cars, just for fun. In fact, she drove a stolen car to one of her court dates for stealing cars. It is my understanding that the police are at the home they all occupy often. The point is, we created them, not their parents, we have made it so hard to survive and the way they see it we are willing to give more to immigrants, that they find it easier to just do whatever, including breaking the law and being homeless. That girl who likes to steal cars is squatting in someone’s home, which is not legal. She took out a restraining order on the owner of that home, somehow got him tossed in jail and when he comes out, he will not be allowed into his own home because she is in it. So, he becomes homeless or she and her friends do, either way you slice it, we fuck someone.      

Do you understand Rachel how it can all come full circle into one giant shit ball? We are not able to shoulder the financial burden of immigrants in this state anymore let alone this Country no matter how much people are for it, if immigrants keep showing up with no jobs, no housing already in place, no money and illegally, we cannot support them because we have our own huge issues that need to be addressed, and to address those issues our government needs to stop setting funding aside for immigration and focus those funds to taking care of our own shite.  

My advise to the advocates of the illegal immigrants is much the same as it is to our states homeless advocate groups, you shoulder the financial burden, then let us know how long your funding lasts because it wont and you cannot continue to expect taxpayers to carry the burden for everything, we must address our own problems first then we might be able to look at immigration but until we get handle on our own shite here, helping immigrants in anyway, financially, should be and needs to be off of the table.

You simply cannot have both while it is a really nice picture, it is still not sustainable any way that you paint it.

Cristal M Clark

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