Russia Successful at Dividing America?

Russia Successful at Dividing America?


Russia – Serves up The Perfect Election Weapon

I continue to see these headlines with regards to Russia dividing Americans through fake social media accounts.


This morning CNN went on and on about the social media account that was found on both Twitter and Facebook under the name of “Blacktivist” which CNN dubbed a fake “black” activist account.

Okay fair enough however, when using words to describes things such as “black” or “white” you are by default stirring that social tension pot. Why not simply say something along the lines of “We found this activist site that the Russian’s created so as to cause even more racial tension and divide with regards to law enforcement here in america.”

See how much more classy that sounds?

While I don’t doubt that Russia did create that particular account, what caused the problem is still the problem. The media describes the fake account as a “black” activist account.

It’s a fake activist account. End of story. Viewers could clearly see what the accounts were when CNN posted images of the accounts posts.


We were already a nation that was divided though and CNN should probably check its facts before skirting them and making it sound as if Russia really made the racial divide here in america worse.

It was already a boiling pot that was going to boil over on it’s own at any moment.

We already had racial tensions brewing with even more tensions brewing where law enforcement was concerned.


All Russia did was capitalize on our nation’s problems in order to gain more knowledge about us and where our heads were.

And by problems, it was all that, we all advertised, whether it was the mainstream media or individuals on social media posting things, we all advertised precisely what Russia exposed and capitalized on during the election.


I also keep hearing this, particularly on CNN, “how did they know who to target?”

This morning was another spit out my coffee or choke laughing moment. A reporter on CNN asked a guest something to the effect of, “How did they know who to target, was it perhaps one of those calls placed to you where you were asked who they could market something like this to?”

CNN, the sky did not fall here, do you guys even read or watch the news at all? Do you even know what you are reporting on, on a daily basis or do you block that from your fragile egos, I mean minds at the end of the day and forget about it?


What’s more, do you go onto social media at all?

Does CNN or any other media outlet actually pay attention to things other than themselves?

It is not rocket it science here.


Russia knew who to target and what parts of the country in large part no thanks to mainstream media, second to that by actually looking at what people post from around this country on social media sites, including Reddit where anyone can read all of the forums without having to create an actual account and friend or follow someone.

Social Media Logotype Background

I wrote about this two nights ago, Russia knew who to target because here in america, we american’s expose our own secrets to everyone through social media, the mainstream media reports on speculation and opinion as if they were fact and they ask people really personal information and/or learn that really personal information and expose it. 

Really CNN, how do you think they figured out who to target. I’ve never heard a more ridiculous question being asked over and over again, in my life.

Nothing in the news is really news these days, so while CNN said over and over again this morning too, “you can’t get your news from social media”, the last time I checked, we couldn’t get our news from CNN either.

I heard over 45 minutes of pretty much speculation this morning, the guests to CNN? CNN was asking hypothetical questions and interjecting their own opinions, and nothing really got answered, what I did not hear a lot of was actual factual news aside from Puerto Rico, yet still the CNN anchors filled those moments with speculative questions that tend to go unanswered which leaves viewers to speculate further and then rumors start…

Russia didn’t make shit up here, they simply exposed the worst of each of us and utilized that to their advantage.

All of the fake ad’s, the fake news, the activist accounts, they were all based off of actual facts, things that were already happening here in america, things that people were already talking about, speculating about and in some cases spreading rumors as fact about.

Russia was able to figure out, which was not a secret CNN, nor was it a secret, that american’s were already divided, they used that division among us in order to sway the election.

But was that really the only goal?

Not by a long shot.

Russia was able to expose america truly expose our every weakness from the inside out, to the world.

Modern Keyboard With Colored Social Network Buttons.

People post and share everything across multiple social media accounts, we overshare information, we discuss openly our true feelings on forums where we never have to meet the other people we are chatting with. You never know who is on the other end.


The media has overplayed the fact that we have all of this racial division, police shooting unarmed young individuals and beating them and the media were the one’s that drilled into our heads the very idea of the wording “Unarmed, young black man.” the media also overplayed the drug epidemics that are sweeping our nation, doctors prescribing opiods like skittles, impoverished parts of our own country that we ignore while at the same time looking down our noses at for instance impoverished nations such as North Korea, the cost of living in some housing markets is so high that people have to share studio apartments with multiple people, where is big brother helping on that one? Oh wait, they are more concerned with access to Americans private email, cell phones and private data, access to social media accounts…go see Russia because they were able to obtain that, am I right? Health care in this nation is a complete and utter joke, our politicians take advantage of the system far more than any citizen, the rich get away with murder while the poor suffer the consequences 3x’s over for a simple shoplifting, you get the point, as the list could go on for days.

Thanks mainstream media, I was paying attention…but I wasn’t the only one or so it would appear. The media in this country tends to turn the news into something that it was never intended to be, entertainment. Everything is a huge, dramatic story that plays out for days on end.

We were an open book and the media played a much bigger role in that than they desire to admit, however along with that, each of us who are on social media, forums of any kind and the like bare some of that blame as well because we too overexposed our true feelings, our problems in this nation, and how we felt about those problems. Speculation, rumor and fact, we let it all out and really did kid ourselves into thinking that no one was paying attention, or at the least, that no one would ever think to use it against us.

And, if you were to push, dig and try to learn more, you might learn that the election was not the only goal here.

Our intelligence agencies should at the very least know that. Russia is far from finished here.


Russia ladies and gentlemen, really just used what was going on here in a truly remarkable way and bitch slapped us with it, and hard.

Russia created and deployed the most unexpected weapon that has ever been created and with expert precision, they used it against us, even though we were one mass of multiple moving targets.  

They didn’t kill a single soul in the process. They didn’t have to.

Vladimir Putin

It was pure genius.

The other night I said that Russia couldn’t have done it any better, and that is hands down fact.

Cristal M Clark

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