Police Officers on Duty High AF – Have to Call Police For Help

Police Officers on Duty High AF – Have to Call Police For Help


Toronto Police Sampling the Goods


I would just like to point out that for those of you who find it funny to make references to Denver as the ‘Mile High’ city, this is not something you see happening here in Denver, Colorado.


Our police tend to refrain from getting stupid high whilst on duty. Not to mention, we do not see too many stories about them sampling any type of edible after a raid of a dispensary because I believe that is highly, frowned upon here, for whatever reason.

In Toronto however, that was not the case for two officers who ate edibles and ended up so utterly stoned that they had to call other officers for assistance this past Sunday evening.

I am not sure if they failed to consult with the dispensary or read the label, much less google eating edibles before eating some but, after not feeling the high, they decided to eat some more.

Yes eating an edible does work a lot differently than smoking some weed as luck would have it. The high is different, may hit later than expected and sometimes a lot harder than one might expect.

For these two officers, things did not go quite as enjoyable and laid back as planned.


After raiding a local dispensary, these two officers whom the Toronto police have yet to name, decided to try out some of the product, I’m sure just so as to ensure that they actually had pot laced edibles instead of something like catnip laced edibles.

As it turned out, they sampled so much of it that they began to hallucinate and then freaked out, which then led them to call fellow officers for help.


When help did arrive, one of the stoned officers panicked and became so paranoid that he actually took off running.

The only thing that would have made this even better in all honesty would have been if he had disrobed whilst running away…

The officers are doing well according to reports, they were taken to a local hospital where they were treated for their highness, which correct me if I am wrong here, isn’t the prescription for that some Cheetos or nachos and a video game or something?

Cristal M Clark

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