The Don Gets Charged, Racist Gunman Kills 3 in Jacksonville all Thanks to DeSantis Hateful Words of Encouragement

Local Hells Angels Dance with The Colorado Organised Crime Control Act 

Cristal M Clark

The Don Gets Charged….Again

The world held its collective breath as news broke that Trump was apprehended for what some might call an “ironic twist of fate.” It appears that the very crimes he claimed that he would keep others from committing did not prevent the legal system from knocking on his door, for committing the same crimes, multiple times in fact. 

Reality TV Star and former joke of a US President Donald Trump along 18 people were indicted in Georgia on charges that they participated in a wide-ranging illegal scheme to overturn the results of the 2020 election. They all turned themselves in to a jail in Atlanta before the deadline at 12pm this past Friday.

As the legal proceedings unfolded, legal analysts debated whether Trump would tweet his way out of this one or if he’d embrace the art of the perp walk photo-op. In the end, the man who had spent so much time on reality TV found himself the star of a new show: “The Don Gets Charged and Detained.” Trump tried to look rather intimidating in his Friday mugshot but the reality is that he looked like any other unhinged angry redneck who couldn’t land the Popeyes Spicy Chicken Sandwich might. 

His posts on social media are eerily the same, seemingly from a deranged, unhinged, redneck who doesn’t understand 2+2. 

Racist Gunman Kills 3 in Jacksonville all thanks to DeSantis Hateful Words of Encouragement 

The shooter, who is described by police as a White man in his early 20s, first went to the campus of Edward Waters University, where he refused to identify himself to an on-campus security officer and was asked to leave, so he decided to turn his hate on a nearby store. 

The school has been typically known as a campus for African American students whilst the shooter was armed with an AR-15, and he clearly targeted black people. 

What makes this worse, is that if it were not for the racist, hate filled speech spewing from the mouth of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who wants to cancel black history thus creating his own woke world, this might not have happened. Look we have to be honest and realistic here, Ron DeSantis and others like him support the cancel culture as long as it cancels anything that isn’t male, straight, or white, hate spews hate and it also births violence against others and in this case it was against the African American community. And the blame for that falls squarely at the feet of Ron DeSantis and his following.  

When will it be enough for individuals to wake up and put a stop to racism, bigotry, sexism, hate, men know better than we women and intolerance towards anyone in particular? I’ll tell you when, when we stop trying to mix religion with politics and political views. We need to get rid of that superiority bullshite sense of being before we can ever start to eradicate hate in this country. Words matter Ron DeSantis, words matter and your following and support are diminishing because you are in fact, bat shite crazy. 

Local Hells Angels Dance with The Colorado Organised Crime Control Act

Has anyone been to a motorcycle club? I used to frequent some here in town many years ago, when I was much younger promoting local musicians. I have to say that I have never felt more safe with a bunch of drunk men than I did inside those clubs. They are just the nicest most down to earth people. I do not often venture onto social media much these days other than TikTok after my accounts were hacked last year, but last week I happened to find myself strolling through FaceBook and ran across a post by a local member from a local motorcycle club. 

So let’s go back in time just a few years here, The Denver District Attorney’s office back in November of 2019 said that they charged 13 people with violating the state’s organised crime act after local and federal authorities raided several businesses and homes in the metro area associated with motorcycle gangs including the Hells Angels. Now it’s my understanding from reading this individuals post that one member was charged much later than the rest because the police almost killed him. 

He didn’t run, their had been no police chase or anything, in fact they raided this man’s home in the wee hours of the morning and didn’t really give him a chance to get to the door they used what is known as a projectile that was meant to break the lock on his front door during this no knock raid. 

What the bloody hell? No knock raids kill people in case I need to remind everyone about the Breonna Taylor situation. The homeowner and Hells Angel was alerted to something going on outside and was heading to the front door to investigate when he almost lost his life. Apparently, he had been put into a coma, his family had no idea what hospital he had been taken to or what was going on really. 

Now skipping forward to that Facebook post I was reading, these members have had freedom’s stripped away from them before being actually convicted of anything, charged yes but lacking a conviction. Namely, they are not allowed to associate which is fine, but they are not allowed to go to places they own, or be around others who are wearing a patch, more importantly, they are being prevented in some cases from operating their business properly, they are not allowed to attend rallies, travel out of state for conventions which by the way make some money for them as I hear some are artists. So you almost kill someone, then cut him off at the knee and prevent him from making his actual living in such a way that he might only make a fraction of the income he normally would. 

All in the name of racketeering? Basically, if you know your history here these guys were charged as if they are mafia members, that is after all what Ricco and the Colorado Organised Crime Control act are. 

Gangsters huh, old school mafia types? I am Sicilian and these guys are a far cry from being mafia, they do run a business some of which is illegal but not felony worthy, not to this extent. Should they sell drugs, no but if not them then someone else will and we should legalise everything we lost the war on drugs long ago. 

Should they be involved with the sale of illegal guns? Again no, but for fucks sake hit Florida up. Still today some white, inbred redneck will walk up to a woman and after learning she isn’t armed will try to sell her a weapon for protection because of the world we live in. Racketeering? Fuck right off with that, politicians do it all the time, getting kickbacks, taking money from special interest groups and lobbyists that push certain agenda’s, including large corporations who skip town on paying taxes and well look at Trump, DeSantis, Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert. We can turn our heads away from the politicians who break the law but not a motorcycle club who serves a much greater purpose?  

78 members of Congress have violated a law designed to prevent insider trading and stop conflicts-of-interest, and what is going to happen to them, they will get a fine that likely will not dent their precious bank accounts and we are going balls to the wall after these small time criminals? 

The State of Colorado and the Feds should be ashamed of themselves here, I doubt seriously that the guys selling drugs and guns are out RTD bus stops are associated with motorcycle clubs, or the arseholes selling coke out of the Satire, just got a call from someone I know who is buying coke right now at the place. Once you scoop the clubs up it opens the door to more dangerous individuals and it clearly shows the moves the government is taking accounts these clubs, well hang out at some of our more illustrious RTD bus stops in Denver and you’ll quickly learn. 

Hopefully, the local Hells Angels see very little, to no time on the books but if they do get charged and sentenced, I’d like to start seeing members of congress, mayors, governors and all politicians for that matter be sentenced for their racketeering through the guise of donations, for insider trading, not to mention, the hate speech that gets people killed.  

Cristal M Clark

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