Ghost Ride Haunted Tours 

Haunted – Denver, Colorado?

Cristal M Clark 

The holidays are a hard time for me to do articles as well as podcasts, so much entertaining and meeting with family and friends going on. I just never have time for the websites or podcasting. 

Friday, whilst out with one of my best friends, who is out again today oddly at our age  (not everyone has to work tomorrow I suppose), we were playing bingo at the Mansion a local haunted bar. Or so they say. I’ve known the place since before it was Kinga’s now the Mansion. Cool bar to grab a bite and a drink or to play Bingo in. Actually, I myself have never once won bingo but my BFF Carlitos has won several times. In truth we only go for the eye candy, the young man running the Bingo. We are both very into ogling him as well as the occasional heckling. At any rate, the bar is supposed to be haunted, however, I have never felt or seen anything in it albeit the occasional cold spots. Nothing nefarious if you wondered. 

This past Friday we ran into someone giving out info for a local Haunted Adventure at the haunted bar, and I have to give a shout out to a fellow Ghost Hunter. I have had the privilege of spending over 50 years here in Colorado and I know all of the ghostly haunts, tales and places to go. I have stayed at every single haunted hotel in Denver proper as well as quite a few up in the mountains. Shout out to the Lumber Baron Inn who put me in the murder room a few years back. 

Cara Lee Knoche, 17, was renting what is now known as the Valentine’s Suite when she was raped and strangled by an unknown assailant. Cara’s friend, Marianne Weaver, 18, is believed to have stopped by the apartment to visit her while the killer was still there. Marianne, unfortunately met the same sad fate as her friend as both girls were murdered. Tell me if you stay in that room and cannot pinpoint where Cara was kilt then her friend. 

I get this question a lot, why don’t you ever find a ghost of someone younger you know like from 90’s or later. Well, the answer to that is that you would if you visited a place they loved, or died in. Grandpa Bill lived in the same home since the early 50’s, vowed he’d die in that home and then now because he cannot care for himself, he lives with his youngest son. 1650 S Pierce St. When Grandpa Bill dies, lookout, he claimed that home. It’s his and you will feel him. 

Most of the haunted tours in any town you find, or haunted homes, shops, land focus on the old days. We just had a guy kilt in our alley behind where I live and sometimes when I take out the trash late or leave super early, I swear he is still here, I have even caught him on some of my recording devices. 

If you have not had the chance to attend a haunted tour of Denver, you should. We have many places, some of which we are still discovering as technology to find the dead advances. Hit my guys up from GhostRide Denver. I don’t work for them, I do however support their hunt.

Cristal M Clark

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