Denver’s Dream of Being a Sanctuary City Turns into Complete Nightmare

Irresponsible and Disingenuous Mayor and Governor 

Cristal M Clark 

The textbook definition of a sanctuary state or city is as follows:

“(in North America) a city whose municipal laws tend to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation or prosecution, despite federal immigration law.”

Seems simple enough except it’s not really simple, not at all. Here in Colorado we have a law that says we are Sanctuary City, however the law does not mean we have to shelter immigrants. So while we keep seeing busloads of immigrants head to Denver, we have no want or way to house them much less feed them and offer them employment. 

Yes employers could hire illegal immigrants but so could they face federal prosecution for doing that. 

To be a real Sanctuary City or State you must offering the following:




Work or Basic Income

No Denver cannot continue to live up to this reputation.  We cannot even handle our own out of control homeless situation and now we just invited more to join those ranks? Are you bloody kidding?

Our problem is that we already have an out of control homeless issue with a Mayor who has vowed to house 1000 homeless by years end. It’s not looking good, even if he does get 1000 into housing by the end of the year, what the fuck is his plan to continue to keep them housed, clean, working towards being productive citizens? 

I’ll tell you what that plan is, nothing. He has no plan. Great you house a bunch of people and give them a universal income, food stamps, healthcare and then what? Do you think they are magically going to clean up and get better? 

What with recent stories of shootings and stabbings in hotels we are housing the homeless in, looking over at 18th Avenue and North Marion Street near Saint Joseph Hospital. Residents in the apartments surrounding this area want to break leases, they have witnessed drug deals, people using drugs, people breaking into their parking garage and dedicating all over the place. 

At 20th the encampment returned it’s so bad that on Thursday of last week, when I drove through it smelled of shit and people walking all over in front of cars, yelling at cars, garbage was everywhere, it was absolutely disgusting.  

We feel bad however the city nor the state are thinking reasonably about any of this. Instead they are adding to our already problematic homeless situation. This is a ticking time bomb of a situation. 

Last week I saw a news headline where some of the immigrants were being housed with our drug addicted violent homeless. What kind of idiotic sense does that make? To make matters worse news reports have started to surface that some of the hotels we are housing people at are bed bug ridden, which will dampen the Mayor’s vow to house that 1000. The homeless do not want to be housed in infested and unsafe places. They would rather stay on the street. 

The Mayor can’t even get his micro communities off the ground because the citizens, you those of us who pay taxes, not living on the street, keep fighting every area the Mayor wants to build them in. Why, because we see the goddman problems already on the daily. Think it through Mayor Mike Johnston, it’s a lot like sounding out the words, you have to address the issues not just the current problem at hand. Sure house them, you still don’t solve the issues. 

The migrants can get overnight shelter but during the day have no where to go. We basically opened the state up then gave the bird to the migrants. They have no way to make a living due to Federal Immigration laws, they could get temp work but that is only until the date stamped on the visa or passport comes to pass then they have no income again. 

Colorado has never been a sanctuary state, we were already packed to the rim without enough affordable housing, to open our doors and pass it off as if we are sanctuary city was not only irresponsible it was also incredibly disingenuous. 

And that my friends is the most disturbing part of all of this, we opened the doors to look good and only for that reason. We didn’t bother to care about how the immigrants were to survive here, much less our own homeless. 

Irresponsible and Disingenuous. Shame on both our Mayor and Governor. 

Cristal M Clark

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